

DSC_0071These are my spontaneous adventures INSTALLING and PERFORMING “Pop-Up-Poetry” on the streets. Thanks for dropping by.

Here’s how PUP looks in the thick of things:

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You can read my installation stories by clicking on the left hand menu “RECENT POSTS.”

Pop-Up-Poetry installations are marked generally on the map below. Some locations have been blitzed more thoroughly than others.

PUP is a public engagement initiative I began in celebration of National Poetry Month, April 2012, and continues today. It’s about me getting out there in the thick of things, sharing word art in the hope that people who happen upon it will find what they need.

Here’s a little background about PUP and me:

My name is Lesley-Anne Evans. I’m a Kelowna, B.C. community artist and poet who likes connecting and collaborating. Feel free to visit my author website for news, publications, and upcoming appearances. And my Buddy Breathing Blog for life inspired pondering.

I was born in Belfast, N. Ireland, grew up in Toronto (Richmond Hill), Ontario, crossed Canada to Kelowna, B.C. in 1993, and stayed. My talented and generous husband, three  adult kids (coming and going), one beloved adopted hound, and I, make a good life at Feeny Wood where wild things are close at hand.

Pop-Up-Poetry takes me to open air, open mic, pecha kucha, bunkers, beaches, schools, churches, community gardens, libraries, forests, streets and alleys to sew seeds of poetry. I was Festivals Kelowna’s first “licensed” poet busker!

A recent CBC Radio article and interview about my Pop-Up-Poetry is located here. Richmond Hill’s Kim Zarzour, writing for her newspaper, The Liberal, shares her 2015 New Year’s article about PUP and me, here. Kelowna’s “In Focus” Magazine offers some insights into who I am here. UK to Kelowna transplanted Deborah Lampitt found Pop-Up-Poetry and blogged about it, here.  And an article “Pop-Up-Poetry” published recently in Sage-ing Journal.

Thanks for dropping in ~ leave a comment and share where you found your Pop-Up-Poem!

In other words,

Lesley-Anne, SDG


15 thoughts on “About

  1. Nigel

    Popuppoetry on Pandosy… love this idea… found one “All Things New”… a springtime delight. Kudos! Keep planting these seeds – after all it is spring.

  2. amhwrites

    Thanks for your pop-up poems I discovered on my morning walk (Bellevue Creek to Sarsons). I will definitely be sharing this with my friends and students! Good luck busking this summer!

    • I’m so glad you happened upon it! If you ever want/need a reader to come into your classroom, please let me know. Busking is scarey, but I’m trying to push through and do it anyway! Take care and thanks for taking time to visit the website.

  3. Bonnie Williams

    Hello Leslie-Anne,
    Thank you so much for clipping your poems at the Unitarian Fellowship of Kelowna, on Sunday !! Several of us read your poems, including a passer-by, and we love them & you ! This is a fabulous practice !!!

    • I’m grateful and touched to know my words landed in such loving hands. Last week I had a most enjoyable time walking along Cawston Avenue and finding places to place my poems. Sharing my work is often “more” than the creation of it. Blessings to you and your congregation. If you would like me to read some poetry at a gathering, please do let me know.

  4. Carolyn Campbell

    It was getting dark and colder when I hurried my way into the Orchard Mall last week. Mentally, I was already inside thinking about my to do list, when these beautiful dancing flames in lanterns made me stop in my tracks. I stood there, reading the Properties of Light, moved beyond words and thankful for the gentle nudge to return to the present. Later, that night when my hand found the tea light in my coat pocket, I remembered the words on the side without even seeing them. Shine On …and it made me giddy.
    I am sending your poem, along with a winter candle, to my sister in Ottawa. I miss her the most at this time of year, and I know your poem will light up her day like it did mine.
    Thank you for sharing your joy, Leslie. I loved it more than you know, and I am grateful for you!

    • Dear Carolyn,
      Your words make my heart sing sensing a small miracle has occurred ~ your life connecting to mine through this experience. Thank you for sharing what happened to you, I have shivers. And what a loving gesture for your sister. I know how difficult it is to be away from close family at this time of year, and I’m sure she will be encouraged. You are already Shining!!! 🙂

  5. Melanie Michaels

    Walking my dog this afternoon through Fascieux Creek Wetland park I noticed some papers clipped to tree branches, signs and fences. Of course I had to investigate and was delightfully surprised to find your Pop Up Poetry. Our walk became a sort scavenger hunt for me – seeking out those small white sheets of paper. Thank you for this random act of kindness and sharing. It made my day!

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